
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thinking of a blog name change!

As I look back, I have traveled through the wonderful experience of blogging for the past 3 years. I would like to share my first post, my idea of the blog was to share, show case the crafts I made during the snoozes of my daughter. I selected the name "creativitymypassion".

But as we grow, my goal got tailored to my daughter's education and life skills so now days my ideas and posts are more into home schooling and learning. So I'm just wondering whether I have to redirect to a different domain name(Change my blog name)?

Please share your thoughts! I heart your comments!


  1. Esther since you have so many links on the web and search engines have already indexed you you will loose all those if you change your blog name. Creativity My passion is quite apt even now as since you are so passionate about creativity only do you do so much wonderful creative projects with your daughter!

  2. Esther , i think your present page is perfect....lovely space .

  3. Just go for it! :) Do what feels right to you.

  4. I agree - you should do what feels right to you! I do love the name of your blog but if you are not happy with it, then find something you really love! I am not sure if you will lose all of your search engine traffic - this is a concern to consider. Just look into it and think about what will help you enjoy blogging the most. You are always so creative - I love what you do!

  5. I think your blog title fits all that you want to do. You have just a wonderful name in the blog world for this blog and your posts. I would worry about losing traffic, but that is just my opinion.
