
Friday, January 20, 2012

Roll the Dice to 100 Game: Fun Learning activity

We love to play Snakes and Ladders game with CJ, its fun to learn counting and sequencing. But the problem is CJ gets really cranky when she has to go down the Snake and very happy when she has to climb the ladder. So when I saw the Roll to 100 dice game at mrsleeskinderkids blog floating around on, I tailored the game and made our own version.

Roll the Dice to 100 Game

To play this game all you need is a laminated 100's chart and a Dice. You can either download the 100's chart or make your own.

We played the game in two ways

Game 1:

Skills: Self control, Counting, Sequencing

Players: 2

Materials: Washable Markers/Dry Erase Marker, Dice, Laminated 100's Chart

Playing the Game

Players get to choose the color of marker, for ex: I choose orange and CJ choose purple. Player 1 rolls the dice and starts the game. Based on the number on the dice, the Player 1 colors the number of grids on the Chart.

Player 2 rolls the dice and Based on the number on the dice, the Player 2 colors the number of grids on the Chart.

Take turns and Continue until you reach 100.

Count the number of grids colored by Player 1, Player 2. The Player with the maximum grids win.

Game 2:

Skills: Self control, Counting, Sequencing

Players: 2

Materials:Counters/Tokens, Dice, Laminated 100's Chart

Playing the Game

The game is just like Snakes and Ladders with out ladders or snakes. Each player starts with a token on the starting square(number 1 on the chart), take turns to roll the dice and move the token by the number of squares indicated by the dice roll. The Player who reaches 100 first wins!

Isn't it fun to play games with a simple number chart and dice!


  1. so fun! I will be trying this with my girls! :) thanks for sharing.

  2. what a fab idea!!

    Natasha xxx

  3. That is an awesome idea! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on The Sunday Showcase Hope to see you next week ;-)

  4. This looks like fun and a great way to reinforce 1-100!

  5. So clever! I will definitely have to do this with my 4yo--he's practicing counting to 100 at preK, but he doesn't particularly care for Chutes and Ladders, either. It's a great way to reinforce what his teacher is doing at school. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Thats ingenious! Good counting game. I haven't tried chutes and ladders with my preschooler yet. She loves candland.
