We played with a box of packing peanuts as part of Day 15 challenge: Playing with Junk. CJ played with the box of peanuts for a long time.

Packing peanut Sensory play - CJ had lots of fun scooping and pouring the packing peanuts into baskets and pails. Her imagination floated to picnic. We spread out the picnic blanket in the living room and she had lots of fun with the pretend food - packing peanuts.
After playing for sometime, I asked CJ whether she wanted to create a art using packing peanuts. She was totally into pretend play - picnic and so she opted to make a picnic basket picture. I outlined the picnic basket on the outside of a box. We used glue stick and created a collage with the packing peanuts.

CJ also made a butterfly with packing peanuts.

Packing peanut Sensory play - CJ had lots of fun scooping and pouring the packing peanuts into baskets and pails. Her imagination floated to picnic. We spread out the picnic blanket in the living room and she had lots of fun with the pretend food - packing peanuts.
After playing for sometime, I asked CJ whether she wanted to create a art using packing peanuts. She was totally into pretend play - picnic and so she opted to make a picnic basket picture. I outlined the picnic basket on the outside of a box. We used glue stick and created a collage with the packing peanuts.
CJ also made a butterfly with packing peanuts.
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