
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Upcycle an old Shoe

This is my daughter's favorite princess shoe. She had worn it only once and the decoration was missing.

I mended them

into these

Aren't they cute! I was wondering whether my girl will want her old shoes? When She saw the new pair, She asked mommy did u make those flowers for me and I nodded yes. She said Good thinking Mommy! No doubt she just loves the Re-do

Now coming to the re-do, I didn't want to spend much for the up-cycle. Coincidence I bought a hand bag and the bag was filled with scarps of felt for packaging.

I took a little long felt strip and rolled it into a spiral pattern, adding fabric glue as and when needed. Glued on the spiral to a half flower. P.S. these half  flowers were also from the package filling. Glued on the flower to the shoe as a replacement for the decoration. For the other shoe I removed the decoration and replaced it with my flower.

Closer view of the flower

P.S. Have a look at the blog Polka Dot Pineapple. She has a good tutorial on making Sugar plums and I got my idea of Spiral from the Candy Spiral she made.


  1. Hi Esther,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your daughter's shoe re-do. It is absolutely gorgeous. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to recycle our treasures! Way to go!
